FenPony - I Can't Stop Referencing Pony (donglekumquat Remix)

December 14, 2012 / June 23, 2014

Album: Hoofdachest

Track: #2

Fun Facts:

  • An alternate version of the song was later made that features lyrics added by Will where it was then included on the album Hoofdachest.
  • Part of the instrumental was shortened and used in GMTower’s Lobby 2 VIP Beta as ballraceend2.
  • The instrumental of the alternate version was later repurposed into Tower Unite’s Ball Race Bonus Music.
  • The song was originally made as an off-the-cuff remix of FenPony’s “I Can’t Stop Referencing Pony” after hearing it on Equestria Daily.



Original Version (December 14, 2012)

Alternate Version (June 23, 2014)

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